при сборки системы из stage2 валится на сборки eselect-compiler
ddosia 2 июля, 2006 - 08:42
>>> Emerging (1 of 27) app-admin/eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc2-r1 to / >>> checking ebuild checksums ;-) >>> checking auxfile checksums ;-) >>> checking miscfile checksums ;-) >>> checking eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc2.tar.gz ;-) grep: //etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf: No such file or directory grep: //etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf: No such file or directory grep: //etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf: No such file or directory grep: //etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf: No such file or directory * We weren't able to find a valid eselect compiler profile for default. * Please do the following to re-emerge gcc, then retry emerging * eselect-compiler: * # emerge -v --oneshot sys-devel/gcc !!! ERROR: app-admin/eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc2-r1 failed. Call stack: ebuild.sh, line 1556: Called dyn_setup ebuild.sh, line 668: Called pkg_setup eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc2-r1.ebuild, line 32: Called die !!! Missing eselect-compiler profile for default !!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
после выполнения emerge -v --oneshot sys-devel/gcc он точно так же пытается собрать eselect-compiler и валится.
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